
Entity Definition

Logical Name : BusinessUnitGroupChannel
Physical Name : ST_BSN_UN_CHNL

Identifies a valid combination of BusinessUnit (which may be a store, call center, distribution center, admin. office, etc.) and a channel. This entity expresses a business rule that constrains which channels a BusinessUnit is authorized to use to conduct business.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessUnitChannelID (PK) A token ID that defines the kind of channel a BusinessUnit may use to conduct business with its partners. ID_BSN_UN_CHNL Identity integer
ChannelID (FK)(PK) Token Identifier for a channel instance ID_CHNL Identity integer Channel(CO_CHNL)
EffectiveDate The date a business unit channel is able to operate. DT_EF DateTime datetime
ExpirationDate The date a BusinessUnitChannel may no longer operate DT_EP DateTime datetime
StatusCode The current status (or state) of a BusinessUnitChannel. Indicates if the combination is active or inactive. SC_BSN_UN_CHNL Code2Status char(2)
BusinessUnitGroupID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for a group of BusinessUnits. ID_BSNGP Identity integer BusinessUnitGroup(CO_BSNGP)
RetalierWebSiteName The Retailer Web Site name. This attribute is a placeholder and will be replaced with a FK reference to the retailer's web site in future releases of the ODM. For now we are treating this as an owned attribute. NM_WB_STE DescriptionShort integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessUnitGroup uses BusinessUnitGroupChannel
Channel is used by BusinessUnitGroupChannel

Logical Views containing BusinessUnitGroupChannel

Logical View
Logical 10110 - Enterprise - Location Retailer Organization View
Logical 10400 - Enterprise - Channels